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6 babies sitting together

Types of Diaper Rash

6 babies sitting together.

A rash can develop due to different reasons, and identifying the cause for the rash will be important for diaper rash treatment. The most common types of diaper rash can be broken down to:

Irritant Contact Dermatitis

When it comes to types of rashes, the most common skin rash affecting infants is due to continuous exposure to feces and urine. When a baby urinates, the urine begins to naturally decompose into multiple compounds, many of which may irritate the baby’s skin and begin to cause a rash. While exposure to urine by itself can cause diaper rash, the real threat is the combination of urine and feces or runny feces. This combination is the number one enemy of a parent, and the best course of action is to remain on the lookout for when a baby needs a diaper change. Your baby may be more prone to this type of diaper rash if he or she is experiencing frequent bowel movements or diarrhea. This rash is mostly seen on the buttocks and generally does not appear in skin folds. 

Allergic Dermatitis

A skin reaction caused by contact with an allergen. This one might be difficult to pinpoint as the offending substance causing an allergy can be troublesome to identify with precision. Your baby’s skin may be reacting to irritants which could be present in baby wipes, detergent, bleach or fabric softener if using cloth diapers, baby ointment, powders, and oils. Even a new brand of disposable diapers, especially any containing fragrances or not proven to be clinically hypoallergenic can be the cause of a reaction. 


Yeast or Candida Dermatitis 

A yeast infection or overgrowth. Different types of bacteria and fungi live in our skin and most of them are not dangerous. An imbalance of these microbes, though, can lead to candida fungus overgrowth which will display often as a red, itchy rash commonly found in the skin folds. If a baby is taking antibiotics or nursing from a mom that took some, the antibiotics could have killed the good bacteria that keep yeast growth in check, resulting in this type of dermatitis irritation. Diaper environments provide warm and humid conditions that allow yeast to multiply, which can make candida appear after a contact or diaper dermatitis. 

Impetigo or Bacterial Dermatitis

A less common cause of dermatitis due to bacteria growing over a previously existing diaper rash or wound. Watch out for symptoms like large, pus-filled blisters or bright red rashes that may involve small cuts resulting in small amounts of blood in stools. Bacterial infections can become serious quickly so watch out for fever, or a severe diaper rash that gets exponentially worse over time and contact your doctor. 

Chafed Skin

Irritated skin due to a tight-fitting diaper or clothing that keeps rubbing against your baby’s skin. You’ll find this type of skin irritation around the waist or thighs. When diapers are too tight they prevent airflow, promoting that moist environment favorable to diaper rashes, and expose skin to continued friction that is irritating. 

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