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Silly Stories from things Kids have said

Silly Stories from things Kids have said

Parenting can be incredibly stressful and difficult at times. You deserve to take some time off and enjoy feeling like you’re not alone in this challenging journey. That’s why we’ve compiled some silly and lighthearted stories for you to laugh at and relax, even if it’s just a little bit. 

Happy baby


Stomach Egg

“Today my daughter (7) said her stomach hurt but not like a stomachache. At first I couldn't understand what she was saying. Finally I said, "oh stomachache. I couldn't understand what you were saying. All I heard was 'egg'." And she goes, ‘yeah I did. Stomach egg. Like when your tummy hurts’. My son and I both looked at each other and just cracked up. It shall henceforth be known as a "stomachegg" in my household”. (via Reddit)

I want to eat your skin

“I’m a nanny for a family with 3 kids and the youngest is 4. She is the most beautiful and empathetic/ caring little kid I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. She also has the cutest chubby cheeks and we often say we just want to eat her up and smother her with kisses. This is my last summer with the family (been with them since she was 7 months) before she starts pre-k and the other day while she was sitting in my lap I said ‘I love you soooo much. Man am I going to miss you!’ And her response? ‘I love YOU so much. I just want to eat your skin!’ I could not stop laughing after that. She is such a gem”. (via Reddit)

Baby smiling


Mommy Time

“Me and my 4 year old son currently live with my parents. None of us really have much of a social life (plus with covid) so we're often all home together. My folks left this morning for their annual ATV trip. We went on the deck and waved them off. When we came in, I went right to getting my kiddo his breakfast. He looked at me with a big grin on his face and said in the sweetest voice, ‘yay! Mommy time!’ Melted my heart”. (via Reddit)

Get out of there

“I stopped at a rest stop for my 4 year old daughter to pee. Turns out she had to poop. So I'm holding her dress, turned facing the door because "she needs privacy" and she's telling me, very loudly that her poop won't come out, and ‘I'm trying to make it come out, but it won't! Ugh! Get out of there! Don't worry, I wasn't talking to you, mama, I was talking to my poop’. All with another lady two stalls down”. (via Reddit)


Little girl on a picnic holding a flower.



“I was in my local supermarket with my 3 year old son today. After picking up my new glasses, we were walking through the clothes section and saw some bras. My son turned, pointed and shouted ‘BOOBS’”. Extremely loudly”. (via Reddit)

Can we take an Uber home

“My 3 year old boy was exhausted during our walk last weekend. He knows we tend to uber everywhere as I don’t have a car at the moment. Near the end of our walk he just asks me ‘Can we take an uber home?’. Mind you were in a dirt trail with hardly any cell phone service. So cute!” (via Reddit)

Pull over Mommy, I'll drive

“I was taking my daughter (she'll be 3 at the end of the summer) to my parents house, and had to speed up through a yellow light. She knows what each of the colors mean on the stoplight, and so she scolded me that I sped up through a yellow which means slow. She then told me I was in time out. I said, "Oh really?" and she replied, ‘You pull over Mommy. I'll drive’”. (via Reddit)

Child wearing comfortable baby diaper

I think it's Nutella

“This morning, my 5 year old came up to me with her bangs pushed away from her forehead and said, "Mom, I don't know how I did this," gesturing to a mark on her forehead. I had to get a closer look because from a distance it looked like she had a scratch on her forehead. Then I licked my finger and rubbed it on her "scratch." I told her ‘Honey, I think it's Nutella’". (via Reddit)

Friendship Crystal Speechless

“She's four years old and until last week, all of her toys were named by adding a -y to whatever the object is; for example a cat is called Catty, a ball is named Bally. So you can imagine my shock when I asked her her Barbie's name, fully expecting it to be Barbie-ey or Dolly, and she answers... Friendship Crystal Speechless. No idea where that came from”. (via Reddit)

I wish Jax would rise up from the dead. Like Jesus

 “Today while we were driving, we were reminiscing about our dog, Jax who passed away a year ago when my 7 year old said, ‘I wish Jax would rise up from the dead. Like Jesus!’”. (via Reddit)


We hope these silly stories brightened your day and inspired you to think of similar stories you have with your children. Life is lived in these little moments, and we hope you look back on them and cherish them forever.

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